
Financial Administration System

5 essential modules in a Banking Core

5 módulos esenciales en un Core Bancario

Financial institutions must adapt to the regulatory standards of different institutions such as the CNBV. With the advent of new technologies, adaptability is possible thanks to the so-called digital transformation where the banking sector can join with the acquisition of cutting-edge financial software, but even more important that it complies with the necessary regulations.

Every financial entity must keep informed of the best options in the market to provide services that comply with possible audits and facilitate their interaction with the institution itself; therefore it is important that banks find the ideal software.

A banking software allows these financial institutions to streamline digital infrastructure processes for a simple, comprehensive and intuitive interaction of all those people who will be involved in its use.

In this way, let us know why it is necessary to have credit management software for banks that can meet your needs, comply with the corresponding regulations and allow you to provide an excellent service.


Why should I choose a good banking software?

Currently, the aim is to manage the banking service in an agile, personalized and legal manner; To achieve this, it is important to choose an ideal financial management software according to the needs of the bank.

Banking services are not the same as years ago; regulatory institutions increasingly take more control of what a system must guarantee to demonstrate that a financial entity operates according to the legal standard, so said institutions must be prepared to provide comprehensive services in order to attract more customers, while at the same time torque are aligned to constant regulation changes; how is this accomplished? Implementing good credit management, administration and control software.

Now, speaking of core banking, credit management software must be applied in the search to streamline and adapt to market trends; In addition, various benefits can be obtained such as those shown below.


Benefits of software for banks

Having the ideal digital infrastructure allows financial institutions to obtain benefits for their company and their clients. Let’s know three benefits of a good Banking Software.

  • Simplification of operations: With simplified and optimized processes, greater service management is achieved, impacting on greater demand.
  • Integral management: All processes can and should be carried out in one place to have a more agile and simple interaction.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The operations will always be in regulatory compliance; Likewise, reports for audits can be made automatically and regulated to present to the authorities.

¿Ahora, bien, con qué módulos debe contar un software financiero para poder hacer más eficiente las operaciones de core bancario? Veámoslo a continuación. Además, si estás en búsqueda de un proveedor, puedes checar este a continuación


Five modules that cannot be missing in your banking core

These are five essential modules for the comprehensive management of portfolio management software:

1-Credit origination module

This module has many functionalities in a financial management software; Among the main ones, the configuration to originate credits stands out, as well as carrying out simultaneous activities in said process.

Likewise, an email messaging scheme is originated to send notifications; as well as the supervision, control and administration of the requests. In addition, the credit origination module facilitates the management of digital files of clients and prospects.

2-Security Module

The security module is essential for any banking accounting system, since it allows managing audit logs, restricting access to VIP accounts, managing security certificates, among other actions.

3-Money Laundering Prevention Module

This module benefits core banking software by simplifying actions such as customer identification and knowledge, as well as access and investigation of blacklists. In the same way, the evaluation of the degree of risk is facilitated through the Risk Matrix, as well as the issuance of regulatory reports.

In addition, a simpler way to monitor financial operations is obtained, according to the client’s activity, generating alerts that help control and monitor them.

4-Term Deposits Module

With a Term Deposits module in a financial software, banking institutions get easier to create new products and manage CEDE and PRLV. Consequently, there is also an automatic control of expiration terms and renewals.

5-Demand Deposits Module

This module benefits banking software by simplifying actions such as the creation of flexible products, account management with interest payments based on pre-established amounts and rates. In this way, it acts as the Axis Account for loans and investments.


Now, if you are wondering where you can find the ideal software that contains these modules and more, while being in compliance with legal regulations such as those of the CNBV, we have the answer!


Get to know the integral solution at CAUDEX

CAUDEX is the ideal financial software for your company!

CAUDEX complies with the regulations of the Regulatory Entities of the Mexican Financial System, in addition to having an intuitive system, robust security and support 365 days a year. In addition, it has the TASF Guarantee, where we contractually ensure that we are always up to date with current regulations at no additional cost.

Contact us now and let our experience help your financial institution.

Remember that you can follow us through LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook; We will wait for you!

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