
Financial Administration System

What modules are used in a Credit Union software?

3 módulos en tu software financiero que no pueden faltar en tu SOFIPO

Financial software is an efficiency tool; Through the use of these, every financial institution enjoys multiple benefits, which lie mainly in the automation of processes.

Thus, it is very important to find a reliable partner for the system that fully manages the operations of your organization. So where do you find this partner in software for credit unions and other institutions? Let’s go find out!

Why does a Credit Union need good financial software?

We know that, as a Credit Union, you are subject to the regulations and supervision of the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV). All your services must be aligned with the requirements of this institution, in order to work with trust and quality standards.

This is why you will need credit management software that automates your leasing operations, financial factoring, financing, among others, in order to streamline your activities and provide a better service to each of your clients.

Advantages of having credit union software

By opting for the acquisition of financial software, you are taking a step forward on the path of growth and development of your activities; becoming a security benchmark for all your clients thanks to its features, such as information encryption.

What other advantages does credit union software provide? Among the many benefits are:

  • Online consultation of databases directly from FIRA.
  • Automation of the credit origination process.
  • Active and passive portfolio management.

What modules are necessary in a Credit Union software?

Below, we show you three of them:

1-Credit management module

With the help of credit management software, greater ease in portfolio management is obtained, by automating various operations.

With this, the Credit Unions can massively originate lines of credit or do it individually. Likewise, this type of software for financiers helps to carry out the portfolio qualification by FIRA.

As if that were not enough, credit management software is capable of issuing account statements, generating referenced collection interfaces and online connections, supporting the credit origination system.

2- Pure and financial leasing module

This type of credit union software helps in calculating and managing residual and final values; as well as VAT on interest at real rate.

In the same way, it provides support in massive loading of clients and accounts to the system, together with an efficient administration of documents and electronic files.

Therefore, for the Credit Union, it is easier to control leases and tax obligations, regardless of their modality, thanks to said financial software.

3- Factoring module

Credit union software specialized in factoring sees its benefits reflected, mainly, in suppliers, production chains and customers. ​

Likewise, it grants the opportunity to issue electronic files and formalization documents. With this type of financial software there is a better control of active and passive balances; as well as in receipts and payments.

With this software you can create financial certainty, providing liquidity; being, thus, a flexible and accessible financing.


These are three essential modules that your Credit Union software must have; now is the time to know the integral solution!

What financial software can you use for a Credit Union?

There is currently an option on the market that includes all the modules that a credit union needs for its operation, centralizing the information in a single system.

Get to know CAUDEX, the financial software designed to help in the management, administration and control of the services provided by financial institutions, such as credit unions.

Are you ready to take the next step in the growth of your financial institution? Hire the integral solution to your needs now. Do not think twice and contact us!

TASF is a 100% Mexican company with extensive experience in the financial and information technology sector, with the purpose of creating innovative solutions for all our clients.

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