
Financial Administration System

3 modules in your financial software that cannot be missing in your SOFIPO

3 módulos en tu software financiero que no pueden faltar en tu SOFIPO

To manage a financial institution, it is necessary to have control and automation in the development of processes; For this reason, these types of entities are required to have financial software.

Financial software is capable of improving and automating a wide variety of processes carried out by these entities; among them, the SOFIPOs.

Why is it important to know software providers for SOFIPOS?

A SOFIPO, having the power to carry out passive and active operations functions, handles a large amount of data; In addition, the SOFIPOS provide services such as:

  • Loans or credits.
  • Receive deposits.
  • Receive payments for services on behalf of third parties.


Therefore, given the number of operations carried out by these financial institutions, it is important to select the correct SOFIPO software provider; With this you will obtain the guarantee of correct management, control and administration in the development of your products and services.

Benefits obtained by selecting the correct software provider for SOFIPO

Once you select your ideal software provider for SOFIPOS -and implement said tool in your financial institution- benefits such as:

  • Simplification and automation of processes.
  • Reduction of margins of error in economic movements.
  • Facilitation of access and organization of information.


The amount of help that the acquisition of software for SOFIPO brings is incredible, however, before obtaining one, you must take into account the correct modules that said software must have; Here are some of them.

What modules should I take into account when contracting a SOFIPO Software?

It is necessary to emphasize that SOFIPOS are entities regulated by the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV), so software must be sought that allows compliance with this institution.

Once this is considered, it is necessary to find a functionality service according to the SOFIPOS; To do this, your financial software must have at least the following three modules:

Module 1: Credit Management

Through credit management software you can get to know your clients in an integral way; In addition, it helps to issue account statements and provides an automatic accounting system for financial processes.

Likewise, simultaneous activities can be carried out and digital files of credit documents and electronic invoicing can be carried out.

Module 2: Prevention of money laundering (PLD)

A software with a PLD module helps you directly to know and identify a client; For this reason, this module specializes in online consultation of blacklists and politically exposed persons, assesses the degree of risk of the client, as well as monitors financial operations according to the transactional activity of clients.

In this way, the information is protected in an encrypted way, allowing the reporting of suspicious conduct anonymously.

Module 3: Portfolio Management

With this module flexible and agile designs of financial schemes are created. In addition, the use of interest payment account management is facilitated, acting as an axis account for credits and investors.

Where can I find these and more modules in a single financial software?

At CAUDEX, the comprehensive, modular and adaptable financial software that allows you to automate and effectively manage each of the processes of your financial institution; besides being a software in compliance with FIRA.

CAUDEX also has an intuitive interface, robust security and support 365 days a year. Learn more about this Software for SOFIPOS here.

Are you interested in having the integral solution for the administration of your SOFIPO?

Don’t wait any longer and contact us!

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3 modules in your financial software that cannot be missing in your SOFIPO To manage a financial institution, it is necessary to …